Ferdo F. Strgar
Ferdo F. Strgar , your dedication, effort and positive energy are invaluable to our club. You are always there when we need you and your help and advice is precious in gold. The whole FC Fužinar club wishes you only the best on your special day!
Thank you for everything you do for our club. May your day continue to be filled with joy, laughter and unforgettable moments!
Happy birthday, Ferdo!

Naš vodja nogometne šole je našemu generalnemu pokrovitelju, podjetju SIJ Ravne Systems, predal škatlo z vezalkami, ki so nas spremljale na poti do pomembnih zmag. Čipke v Skupini SIJ bodo zaživele v olimpijski zgodbi, saj bodo iz njih v sodelovanju z varnostno-delovnimi centri izdelovali trajnostne zapestnice.

“Thank you, Coach, for your unwavering support and the inspiration you've provided. Your guidance has been instrumental to the success of the academy.” “We are grateful for the skills you've instilled in all players and the valuable lessons you've taught, Coach. Thank you for being an exceptional mentor to everyone.”